Monday, April 29, 2013

A little question to Mr. Bill O'Reilly

Mr. O'Reilly: 

As a Republican and as a Minister of the Gospel I meet all year long thousands of undocumented migrants who pay their taxes yearly.

hy their college student children can't pay low tuition?

I understand, Mr. O'Reilly, you are always saying those migrants should not even be here. But they are!

So, please, if you want to answer, I will be to reply, because you will not be able to interrupt me here like you do with people in your Fox News show that don't agree with you.

I don't understand what a hell, Mr. O'Reilly, you don't recognize that not all Americans Citizens pay taxes.

I watch your show every night. You are excellent in what you do.

However, I don't know when you and all of your friends at Fox News will learn that not all, but millions of immigrants pay taxes in US!

You and I oppose most Mr. Obama Presidency Policies. Good for our nation. I can see you are a courageous and right talker on these issues.

But when you talk about immigration after 10 PM Eastern Time, you are as blind as a bat.

Mr. O'Reilly, can you hear well as you can talk?


Rev Josimar Salum

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