Thursday, May 23, 2013

Immigration: Latinos, Muslims and the Path for American Citizenship.


A friend after reading the ARTICLE The Strangers at the Door sent this latter to me:
Is it worth bringing Jewish law, instead of the largely-ignored laws of the United States into question here? I think it is.

The Most High is the One who legislated for all time, and under Whose law our Messiah was born, raised and died, but when He was raised, He was no longer "under the law" and as our King frees us, also, from that law.

The Law of Liberty dictated by our King bids us beware of our neighbor's, our beloveds' and our own conscience. I think that you would do better not to liken the United States to a household. We are ...

(especially now, when the republican form of government to which the Constitution was gracefully destining our forefathers is ignored at far more insidious a degree than any of the ICE's regulatory design) ...

under mortal danger from the illegal immigrants' obtaining the right to vote.

The woman who is pleading today for her 5th amendment rights (Lois Lerner) was demanding to know the contents of the prayers of the applicants for 501(c)4 status! 

(He is referring to the IRS scandal of targeting churches and right wind organizations for persecution)
And I responded:

The notion of household applied to the country has nothing to do with the form of the constitution of the Union. And it has nothing to do with the form of Government. 

Allegories are the best way to communicate ideas when are related to the description of what we call reality. 

Facts for this Nation instead of providing genuine material for a honest investigation in a search for the Truth,  they became arguments according the discretion and preference of each one. 

Facts are just an ally of the relativism waiting to be used according with the criteria that someone adopts to live and dream the American way of life. 

We find manipulation of the facts on both sides of the isle that best fit into what version of the facts they want to communicate. 

Where we are going as a Republic is far beyond to what our forefathers could ever imagine for the worst scenario of the future.

Plain and simple, after Obama, America will never be the same. Republicans, Tea Party and all alike have lost the train of History and the Democrats, all Liberals with all their demons have took the wrong one, toward the precipice. 

The allegory above and the ones i used in the article are solemn figure of language to affirm, for the sake of its abstract or hidden meaning, that the Earth is the Lord's, everybody and everything in it. America was founded to be a beacon for the world and a refuge of Freedom.

The hope for America to restrain Islamization are the Latinos. 

In all these immigrations discussions the right wing is broken and the left wing can't fly alone. They are all missing the mark. They don't debate the right issues.

Today, just to cite an example, under the blessing of the almighty Obama Government  thousands of R-1 Visas are issued do Buddhists, Hindus and Islam spiritual leaders overseas, most of them don't have any academic preparation as the Law determines as one of the requisites to be approved , while it is almost impossible for a Christian Minister with Academic credentials to get the same Visa Type. 

Let us put aside our political preferences by all means to dig into the Scriptures  without legalism to find out that all of us, citizens and non-citizens, legal or unauthorized immigrants need Mercy from the Most High. 

Our rich and wealthy country like no other in the Planet - and no other is so much blessed as we are - are struggling with Immigration issues and everything else for love of money. 

The reason as clear as crystal is we don't want to give the illegal human beings the right to use our hospitals, public schools, Medicare, Social Security, etc. 

That is the reason without intending to offend that I say: Hypocrites! They are already using practically everything!

By the way, if this Immigration reform passes the way it is, they will get the right to vote only after 13 years.

After Muslins spending already billions of dollars into our Political and Electoral System when the unauthorized Immigrants  become really Citizens with the right to vote... It will be very late! By then the Muslims will have already sized the Country with more influence, with births, with more money and elected representatives all over our Government.

The worst blind is the one who doesn't  want to see.

I end with this;

Command those who are rich ( USA Citizens - one of the greatest per capital incomes of Earth) in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 

In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. (1 Timothy 6:17-19 NIV)

Yeshua is King and His Kingdomshall remain  forever. 

Be blessed, my friend!

Josimar Salum

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