Saturday, November 14, 2015

Islamic Terrorism: Our daily gall!

Josimar Salum

What ultra radical Muslims have in common with all others? 

Paris is now the main news headline in the world due to the terrorist attacks the city endured on November 13, 2015 by those human incarnated demons called ultra radical Muslins who shot and bombed civilians while crying out and loud: Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!

I offer my "solidarité" to the French people, but I must include all those who across the Earth are subjected  EVERY DAY to the barbaric violence committed by radical Muslims in Afghanistan, Turkey, Palestine, Iran, Saudi Arabia and all around the world. Those stories are not shared through the media, and in those places, women are treated worse than trash. Christians are persecuted and killed, millions of citizens are silenced and deprived of their basic human rights. Why? Where Islamic beliefs are the main focus, which are not just beliefs, they are laws!  Laws which all  must obey or pay a severe penalty - including death. 

I stand in solidarity with the families of 200 Christian Syrian children who were shot by the Islamic State (ISIS) few days before the terrorist attacks in Paris. I must express my indignation with the main media which ignored what should have been THE main headline. The media did not even focus on that  unspeakable act of cruelty!  These Syrian children were not murdered in Paris, but they were all kneeling, with their little hands tied behind as they all dropped dead hearing  the frantic cries of the shooters: ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR!

I know where I live we all STILL enjoy freedom though every day we realize that our freedoms are increasingly being threatened. Millions of people already see with their own eyes this reality in several regions like France, Germany, Holland, England, Lebanon, Israel and some places in USA, even in Brazil and in many other Western places, not including millions and millions of people in the Middle East, Africa and Asia who are living under Sharia Law. Do you know what Shariah Law is?

Clearly those ultra-radical and radical men and women that terrorized Paris and shot the Syrian Christian children days before have at least two things in common with those who are called moderate and "nominal" Muslins. They are all Muslims and shout ALLAHU AKBAR - "God is great". It's a fact!

Anyone who knows the Koran acknowledges that in pure Islamism there is no forgiveness, Allah does not have a word of blessing for any other people on Earth, all islamic prayer is always cursing the enemies of Islam and Islam is not an ideology of true peace! Its concept of peace is linked to the Islamic world domination. When all become Muslims there will be "peace!" Oh, yeah! Peace without freedom! And you must understand this basic premise: If you are not Muslim you are considered an enemy of Islam! 

Sharia Law that Islam wants to deploy throughout Earth threatens the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is easy to verify this assertion! Just compare the text of the declaration with the main pillars of Sharia Law. And then if you compare Sharia Law with the "Bill of Rights" of our American Constitution it will become even more evident!

Many of our leaders want us to believe that Islamism as a whole is not a threat, but only its radical version is.  However, examples throughout the world multiply to attest that today Islam is the greatest threat to human civilization in all versions. All versions of Islam have a lot in common. Think about it!

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