Saturday, December 10, 2022

After 40 days President Bolsonaro breaks his silence. He spoke to the people gathered outside the palace in Brasilia. (12/9/2022)

After 40 days President Bolsonaro breaks his silence. He spoke to the people gathered outside the palace in Brasilia. (12/9/2022)

Summary of President Jair Bolsonaro's speech:

1 - I came to listen to the people.

2 - I owe loyalty to the Brazilian people.

3 - The people now as never before is admiring the flag, believing that the country has a way.

4 - The mission is to unite.

5 -I am the Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces

6 - The Armed Forces are the last obstacle to communism and owe loyalty to the people, they are responsible for our freedom.

7-These are difficult and painful decisions.

8 - If it goes wrong, it's because I lost the lead.  I assume my responsibility.

9 - Do not criticize without being absolutely sure of what is happening.

10 - Everyone knows what happened over the years and what was announced by the Supreme Electoral Court. (TSE)

11 - Absurd things are happening in our homeland.

12 - It is easy to install a dictatorship in Brazil.  (he said this at the “secret” meeting of ministers when he was accused by the Supreme Court on interfering on the Federal Police)  

13 - Who decides my future and who decides where the Armed Forces go is you (the people)

14 - I can only be happy if you are happy.

15 - "it is not me who authorize it", but I do what I can.  (about the decision to invoke Article 142 of the Constitution for the Armed Forces to establish law and order.) You can't throw responsibility on just one person. 

16 - 40 days in silence, it hurts in the soul.

17 - I have never seen people take to the streets for a president to stay, but to take him away.  It's the first time I've seen it.

18 - Nothing is lost.

19 - I believe that victory will be the same way, within the 4 lines of the Constitution.

20 - I give my life for my homeland.

21 - Let's dedicate ourselves, unite and look for alternatives, and see what each one can do for their homeland.

22 - We will win.

23 - Demonstration is democratic and you are real citizens. Enough of being treated as you are being treated.

24 - Everything will work out in due time






And the time is now!  Until 12/27/2022 we are praying for God to work a miracle.



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